Tuesday 13 August 2024

Future-Ready Education (OBE Ecosystem)

Future-ready education or OBE Ecosystem is conceptualized based on the principles of future-ready outcomes-focused, ecosystem-focused and stakeholders-centred.

It is based on the management strategy of ecosystem approach and future sensing, stakeholders agency, collaboration and shared responsibility in designing ecosystem defined programmes. The theoretical basis are growth mindset, future skills and lifelong learning, measurable WISER outcomes, criterion referencing and integrated constructive alignment. WISER outcomes are outcomes that are formulated based on the Work of the future, Integrated constructive alignment, Significance and SMART, Ecosystem perspective and Real-world learning. It aids in designing curriculum content that is holistic, integrated and future-ready.
The process of education in future-ready education emphasizes student holistic development and wellbeing, and real-world learning. Curriculum planning in future-ready education is ecosystem, agile, holistic with integated constructive alignment and future-ready. It requires curriculum to be future-ready, integrated, real-world learning and flexible.
(c)Education Quality International (2024)

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