Saturday 12 June 2021

Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the VUCA World

The 2-hour online complementary seminar on the "Quality of Higher Education in the VUCA World" was hosted by Educational Quality International and led by its principal consultant, Johnson Ong Chee Bin on 10 June 2021.

The seminar began with a prayer of peace for our colleagues, friends and the people of Myanmar. We prayed for their peace, safety, happiness, prosperity and non-violence.

The seminar began with the characteristics and effects of the VUCA world and its impact on higher education and quality assurance system. It highlighted the need to reimagine the design of the quality assurance of higher education as quality of purpose rather than quality for purpose in the higher education ecosystem, and the evolution of the principle of constructive alignment to be relevant in the VUCA world.

The seminar ended with two critical success factors to ride above the VUCA world - alignment and agility which was followed by a group discussion.

The seminar was attended by about 120 participants from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Below are feedback from some participants attending the seminar:

"Thank you as well for the excellent seminar.  Hope we can have more of this in the future."
"Thank you for organising the seminar. It's very helpful."
"Thank you so much. You truly inspire us."
"Thank you very much for the interesting presentation about QA of HE in the VUCA World".
 "Your talk is both relevant and current. I think we all were aware of this disruptive society but you have made us analyse the situation seriously and try to come up with some kind of preparation."
"The session was fruitful this morning. Your presentation is very good which is meaningful and full of necessary information."
"The webinar was very insightful.  I learned a lot of new things."
"Thank you very much for the wonderful talk. This is a very hot topic."

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