Sunday 15 March 2015

The S.E.X. Way to Better Health and Happiness

In a study of nearly 3,000 healthy British adults, led by Dr. Andrew Steptoe of University College London, found that those who reported upbeat moods had lower levels of cortisol - a "stress" hormone that, when chronically elevated, may contribute to high blood pressure, abdominal obesity and dampened immune function, among other problems.

In another study on the lives and deaths of nuns, researchers found that positive emotion (i.e. happiness) is correlated with longevity.

To achieve better health and happiness, we need to do four things well regularly and continuously. These are Sleep well, Eat well , eXercise well and sex.

Sleep Well

The Duke-NUS researchers found that those who slept less showed evidence of brain ageing. According to a study in the Archives of General Psychiatry in 2002, people who sleep between 6.5 and 7.4 hours had lower mortality rates. Other work carried out elsewhere has suggested that 7 hours of sleep a day for adults is associated with the best cognitive test scores in more than 150,000 adults.

Eat Well

The Healthy Eating Plate, created by nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health and editors at Harvard Health Publications, provides simple guidelines on best eating choices.

Besides eating well, consumption of “happy foods” such as spinach, turkey and bananas can stimulate production of mood elevating hormones like serotonin, endorphins, dopamine and other neurotransmitters which are linked to physical happiness. 

Eating “comfort foods” can also make us happy at a psychological level as the foods remind us of our happy past. For example, eating a specific food that a loved one favoured can produce happy thoughts by triggering fond memories or associations of that person. 

eXercise Well
When we exercise, our brain is at work and releases endorphins, a chemical that makes us feel happy. Regular exercises such as 30 minutes brisk walking can keep our body healthy and happy.


Research shows that positive sexual experience and satisfaction increases the sense of well-being and personal satisfaction. Endorphins, the chemical that induces a feeling of happiness and well-being during physical exercise is also released when having sex. 

The next time if you are feeling down or stressed, do any of the activities in the S.E.X. way to lift your happiness level and enjoy better health.

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