- Bachelor of Science Program in Cosmetic Science
- Master of Science Program in Cosmetic Science
- Bachelor of Public Health Program, and
- Master of Public Health Program in Border Health Management
- About Education Quality International (5)
- About Johnson Ong (2)
- About Living Better (4)
- AUN-QA Network (257)
- Capacity Building (270)
- Happiness DNA (99)
- Institutional QA (83)
- Programme QA (273)
- Resources (2)
- Talks (56)
- Workshop Registration (5)
Saturday, 13 May 2023
328th AUN-QA Programme Assessment at Mae Fah Luang University
Saturday, 6 May 2023
Happier Career Happier Life
The 11th "Happier Career Happier Life" workshop was held on 5 May 2023 at Furama City Centre Hotel, Singapore. The outline of the workshop is as follows:
- Overview of the happiness DNA
- The science of happiness in career
- Personality profiling tools to find suitable career choices including numerology, NERIS Type Explorer® and bazi (birthdate)
- Job crafting to redesign work to suit one’s values, strengths and passions
- Understand the kinds of work stress and how to manage them
- Appreciate the future of work and how to stay relevant
The workshop was organised in collaboration with ASK Training Pte Ltd and Living Better and facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder and Chief Happiness Coach. Various techniques to manage stress were shared and practised such as muscle relaxation, meditation, laughter yoga, stretching exercise and breathwork.
Thursday, 4 May 2023
Outcomes-Based Approach to Integrate and Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development, University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH)
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder & Principal Consultant and AUN-QA Expert was invited by the University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City to share the approaches in designing integrated curricula. The talk was held at USSH on 27 April 2023 and attended by staff from the USSH and other universities in Vietnam.
AUN Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) System Design and Development Workshop, Vietnam
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder & Principal Consultant of Education Quality International and AUN-QA Expert was invited by the AUN-QA Network and MOET as the resource person at the AUN-QA IQA System Design Development Workshop hosted by the AUN-QA Network, MOET and VNU-HCM on 25 - 26 April 2023.
The workshop was attended by representatives from the members and associate members of the AUN-QA Network. Mr. Johnson delivered a trigger presentation - Towards a Future-Ready IQA System at the workshop.
Quality Assessment of Training Programs Seminar at Foreign Trade University (FTU), Ho Chi Minh City Campus
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder & Principal Consultant of Education Quality International and AUN-QA Expert was invited by the Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus to share the key requirements of the AUN-QA Programme Framework (Version 4) on 24 April 2023.
The talk was attended by faculty members and staff of the IQA Department and held at FTU, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.