- AUN-QA Network (257)
- About Education Quality International (5)
- About Johnson Ong (2)
- About Living Better (4)
- Capacity Building (271)
- Happiness DNA (100)
- Institutional QA (83)
- Programme QA (273)
- Resources (2)
- Talks (56)
- Training Schedule (6)
Wednesday, 28 December 2022
12th "Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment Workshop
Friday, 2 December 2022
Mindanao State University System-wide Academic Summit
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder and Principal Consultant, Education Quality International was invited to speak at the 1st Mindanao State University System-wide Academic Summit held from 28 - 30 November 2022.
A virtual presentation on Teaching & Learning and Assessment was presented by Mr. Johnson Ong on 28 November 2022.
Happier Career Happier Life
The 9th "Happier Career Happier Life" workshop was held on 23 September 2022 at Voco Orchard Hotel, Singapore. The outline of the workshop is as follows:
- Overview of the happiness DNA
- The science of happiness in career
- Personality profiling tools to find suitable career choices including numerology, NERIS Type Explorer® and bazi (birthdate)
- Job crafting to redesign work to suit one’s values, strengths and passions
- Understand the kinds of work stress and how to manage them
- Appreciate the future of work and how to stay relevant
The workshop was organised in collaboration with ASK Training Pte Ltd and Living Better and facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder and Chief Happiness Coach. Various techniques to manage stress were shared and practised such as muscle relaxation, meditation, laughter yoga, stretching exercise and art therapy.
Happy Employees Work Better
The 4th "Happy Employees Work Better" workshop was held on 23 - 24 November 2022 at Furama City Hotel, Singapore. The workshop is a collaboration between ASK Training Pte Ltd and Living Better. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Chief Happiness Coach of Living Better.
The outline of the workshop covers the following topics:
- The Happiness DNA
- Importance of workplace happiness
- The workplace happiness DNA
- Happy purpose – building a sense of purpose
- Happy people - nurturing the Happiness DNA
- Happy practices - keeping employees happy
- Happy culture – sustaining a happy workforce
SHARE Regional Qualifications Frameworks & Quality Assurance Conference
The SHARE Regional Qualifications Frameworks & Quality Assurance Conference was held on 21 November 2022, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, lead expert in the outcomes-based education was invited to share his thoughts at the Stakeholder reflections on SHARE’s Work on Qualifications Frameworks and Quality Assurance and outlining future priorities for EU-ASEAN cooperation.
303rd AUN-QA Programme Assessment at Mahidol University, Thailand
The 303rd AUN-QA Programme Assessment at Mahidol University, Thailand was held onsite from 14 - 16 November 2022 for the following 4 study programmes:
- Bachelor of Engineering Programme in Environmental Engineering & Disaster Management
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Programme
- Master of Nursing Science (International) Programme
- Doctor of Pharmacy Programme
Discovering the Happiness DNA in You
The 6th "Discovering the Happiness DNA in You" workshop was held on 21 October 2022 at Voco Orchard Hotel, Singapore. . The outline of the workshop is as follows:
- What is happiness?
- The science and facts of happiness
- The happiness DNA
- Trinity of happiness
The workshop was organised in collaboration with ASK Training Pte Ltd and Living Better and facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder and Chief Happiness Coach of Living Better.
Ecosystem of Curriculum Re(design) in Higher Education Institutions
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder and Principal Consultant of Education Quality International was invited by Lac Hong University, Vietnam to present the AUN-QA Certificates to 6 study programmes at the 25th anniversary ceremony on 19 October 2022. At the certificate award ceremony, he spoken about the 4Ps: principle, paradigm, purpose and persistence which are the key differentiating factors that make an institution unique, distinctive and riding above the waves of disruption.
As part of the 25th anniversary of Lac Hong University, Mr. Johnson Ong shared the ecosystem of curriculum re(design) in higher education institutions at a seminar in the afternoon.
11th "Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment Workshop
The 11th online workshop on "Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment" based on AUN-QA Programme Framework Version 4 was held from 11 - 25 October 2022. The workshop was attended by 21 participants from universities in the Philippines and Indonesia. The online workshop adopted both synchronous and asynchronous modes of delivery and hands-on assignment in writing SAR. At the end of the workshop, the participants received a consolidated SAR and feedback arises from their assignments. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA Expert and Founder & Principal Consultant of Education Quality International in collaboration with the AUN-QA Network.
Thursday, 13 October 2022
Best Practices of Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) in Higher Education
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Technical Expert, EU-SHARE and Principal Consultant of Education Quality International (EQI) was invited as a keynote speaker at the National Webinar hosted by Universitas Indonesia as part of EU-SHARE Peer Multiplication Training (PMT) project on 13 October 2022. The workshop was attended by more than 100 participants.
8th AUN-QA Tier 1 Training Workshop (Online)
The 8th AUN-QA Tier 1 training workshop for the AUN-QA Programme Framework (Version 4) was held online from 12 - 26 September 2022 by the AUN-QA Network. The online workshop was designed based on the principles of blended learning, flipped classroom, collaborative learning and backward design.
The workshop comprised both asynchronous and synchronous sessions in which participants are required to watch the videos of the AUN-QA programme framework and its criteria to submit their clarifications prior to each synchronous session. They are also required to complete a gap analysis of a chosen study programme based in the AUN-QA programme framework (version 4) in groups.
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA expert was one of the 4 coaches for the 8th batch.
Evaluating the Success and Effectiveness of OBE at Foreign Trade University
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Technical Expert, EU-SHARE and Principal Consultant of Education Quality International (EQI) was invited to facilitate a online workshop on evaluation of OBE implementation and overview of AUN-QA programme framework at the Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam on 31 August 2022 as part of EU-SHARE Peer Multiplication Training (PMT) project and EQI's community service.
Happier Career Happier Life
The 8th "Happier Career Happier Life" workshop was held on 23 September 2022 at Furama City Centre Hotel, Singapore. The outline of the workshop is as follows:
- Overview of the happiness DNA
- The science of happiness in career
- Personality profiling tools to find suitable career choices including numerology, NERIS Type Explorer® and bazi (birthdate)
- Job crafting to redesign work to suit one’s values, strengths and passions
- Understand the kinds of work stress and how to manage them
- Appreciate the future of work and how to stay relevant
The workshop was organised in collaboration with ASK Training Pte Ltd and Living Better and facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder and Chief Happiness Coach. Various techniques to manage stress were shared and practised such as muscle relaxation, meditation, laughter yoga, stretching exercise and art therapy.
Discovering the Happiness DNA in You
The 5th "Discovering the Happiness DNA in You" workshop was held on 26 August 2022 at Furama City Hotel, Singapore. . The outline of the workshop is as follows:
- What is happiness?
- The science and facts of happiness
- The happiness DNA
- Trinity of happiness
Happy Employees Work Better
The 3rd "Happy Employees Work Better" workshop was held on 24 and 25 August 2022 at Furama City Hotel, Singapore. The workshop is a collaboration between ASK Training Pte Ltd and Living Better. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Chief Happiness Coach of Living Better.
The outline of the workshop covers the following topics:
- The Happiness DNA
- Importance of workplace happiness
- The workplace happiness DNA
- Happy purpose – building a sense of purpose
- Happy people - nurturing the Happiness DNA
- Happy practices - keeping employees happy
- Happy culture – sustaining a happy workforce
10th "Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment" Workshop
Sunday, 21 August 2022
Education in a VUCA World
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin was invited as a keynote speaker during the Faculty Day at the Far Eastern University, Manila, the Philippines on 11 August 2022. He shared the Education in a VUCA World in his keynote speech which was attended by about 500 faculty and administrative staff.
Sunday, 7 August 2022
Training of Trainers Workshop at the National University of Management, Cambodia
A seminar on the "Quality Assurance Framework of Online Learning and Teaching" and a 3-day workshop on "Training of Trainers" were hosted from 27 to 29 July 2022 by the National University of Management, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Nguyen Thi My Ngoc and Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, the leading consultants of the 5-year NUM IQA project which is a community project to uplift the quality assurance of higher education in CLM countries. The workshop was attended by 26 participants from various faculties and departments.
The Training of Trainers workshop was based on a DDE Framework developed by Education Quality International with a strong focus on micro-teaching in which each participant has to facilitate a 10-minute lesson in applying what they have learned in the workshop.
The Ecosystem of Curriculum (Re)design in Higher Education Institutions
The presentation of "The Ecosystem of Curriculum (Re)design in Higher Education Institutions" was shared by Dr. Nguyen Thi My Ngoc and Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin at the international conference "Innovative Leadership in Higher Education: Global Trends and Practices in the Post COVID-19 Pandemic" hosted online from 7 - 8 July 2022 by SEAMEO RETRAC, Vietnam.
The presentation shares the key challenges in the VUCA world, their impacts on higher education and how higher education institutions can ride above the wave of disruption by (re)design their curricula from a multidirectional or ecosystem perspective. The conference was attended by more than 300 participants from ASEAN and the region.
6th AUN-QA Tier 1 Training Workshop (Online)
The 6th AUN-QA Tier 1 training workshop for the AUN-QA Programme Framework (Version 4) was held online from 4 - 25 July 2022 by the AUN-QA Network. The online workshop was designed based on the principles of blended learning, flipped classroom, collaborative learning and backward design.
The workshop comprised both asynchronous and synchronous sessions in which participants are required to watch the videos of the AUN-QA programme framework and its criteria to submit their clarifications prior to each synchronous session. They are also required to complete a gap analysis of a chosen study programme based in the AUN-QA programme framework (version 4) in groups.
The 6th AUN-QA Tier 1 training workshop was attended by 32 participants from universities and institutions in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA expert was one of the 4 coaches for the 6th batch which was led by Dr. Arnel Onesimo Uy (Philippines).
283rd AUN-QA Programme Assessment at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
The 283rd AUN-QA Programme Assessment (Online/Remote Site Visit) at Prince of Songkla University , Pattani Campus, Thailand was held from 11 to 15 July 2022 for the following 4 study programmes:
- Bachelor of Political Science Programme
- Bachelor of Nursing Programme
- Bachelor of Communication Arts Programme
- Master of Science Programme in Applied Chemistry
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin led the 283rd AUN-QA programme assessment as Chief Assessor and Lead Assessor for the Bachelor of Political Science Programme with Dr. Marlene M. De Leon.
Writing Learning Outcomes and Designing Marking Schemes Workshop at Myanmar Maritime University
A 3-day online workshop on "Writing Learning Outcomes and Designing Marking Schemes" was held from 28 to 30 June 2022 at the Myanmar Maritime University (MMU), Myanmar which was hosted by Educational Quality International (eqi). The online workshop was attended by 32 participants from various departments and IQA Office of the university.
The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin and Dr. Nguyen Thi My Ngoc who are the leading consultants for the 3-year MMU IQA project supported by AUN-QA Network and Education Quality International which is a community project to uplift the quality assurance of higher education in CLM countries.
The workshop aims to achieve the following learning outcomes:
- Use learning taxonomy to write SMART learning outcome statements
- Review the ELOs of the study programmes and their courses to meet AUN-QA programme framework Version 4;
- Formulate assessment plan;
- Design rubrics and marking (answer) keys; and
- Establish a system to measure the achievement of PLOs and CLOs
Friday, 1 July 2022
9th "Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment" Workshop
The 9th online workshop on "Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment" based on AUN-QA Programme Framework Version 4 was held from 13 - 27 June 2022. The workshop was attended by 29 participants from universities in Brunei, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The online workshop adopted both synchronous and asynchronous modes of delivery and hands-on assignment in writing SAR. At the end of the workshop, the participants received a consolidated SAR and feedback arises from their assignments. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA Expert and Founder & Principal Consultant of Education Quality International in collaboration with the AUN-QA Network.
Sunday, 26 June 2022
SHARE Peer Multiplier Training (PMT) 2022
The 4-day hybrid EU-SHARE Peer Multiplier Training (PMT) 2022 was hosted by DAAD from 20 - 23 June 2022 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The 32 participants were from Indonesia, Malaysia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines and Vietnam. The workshop was facilitated online and F2F by trainers from ASEAN and Europe. Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin facilitated the following sessions:
- The Five-Stage Online Facilitation Model
- Ice Breakers for Dissemination/Multiplication Projects
- Change Management
- Evaluating the Success and Effectiveness of OBE Training and Implementation
Monday, 20 June 2022
Applied Approach to Designing and Implementing OBE Framework at Van Lang University
The 3.5-day F2F workshop "Applied Approach to Designing and Implementing OBE Framework" was held from 7 - 10 June 2022 for Van Lang University, Vietnam. The workshop was attended by 50 administrative and faculty staff of Van Lang University. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin and Dr. Nguyen Thi My Ngoc. The outline of the workshop covers the following topics:
- OBE principles and framework
- Ecosystem of curriculum design
- Stakeholders' engagement
- Learning outcomes and taxonomies
- Learning & teaching
- Student assessment
- Programme evaluation & benchmarking
273rd AUN-QA Programme Assessment at University of Science and Technology, The University of Da Nang
The 273rd AUN-QA Programme Assessment (Online/Remote Site Visit) at University of Science and Technology, The University of Da Nang, Vietnam was held from 9 - 13 May 2022 for the following 4 study programmes:
- Advanced Program in Electronic and Communication Engineering (ECE),
- Advanced Program in Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (ES&IoT),
- Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) Program and
- Control Engineering and Automation (CEA) Program;
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin led the programme assessment for the Advanced Program in Electronic and Communication Engineering (ECE) with Dr. Wichian Chutimaskul (Thailand).
4th AUN-QA Tier 1 Training Workshop (Onine)
The 4th AUN-QA Tier 1 training workshop for the AUN-QA Programme Framework (Version 4) was held online from 2 - 23 May 2022 by the AUN-QA Network. The online workshop was designed based on the principles of blended learning, flipped classroom, collaborative learning and backward design.
The workshop comprised both asynchronous and synchronous sessions in which participants are required to watch the videos of the AUN-QA programme framework and its criteria to submit their clarifications prior to each synchronous session. They are also required to complete a gap analysis of a chosen study programme based in the AUN-QA programme framework (version 4) in groups.
The 4th AUN-QA Tier 1 training workshop was attended by 33 participants from universities and institutions in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The workshop was led by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA expert with Dr. Satria Bijaksana (Indonesia), Dr. Arnel Onesimo Uy (Philippines) and Dr. Evangeline P. Bautista (Philippines).
Sunday, 1 May 2022
AUN-QA Programme Framework (Version 4) Training Workshop at Myanmar Maritime University (MMU)
The AUN-QA Programme Framework (Version 4) Training Workshop at the Myanmar Maritime University (MMU), Myanmar was jointly hosted online by MMU and Educational Quality International from 25 - 27 April 2022 and attended by 47 participants from various departments and IQA Office of the university. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin and Dr. Nguyen Thi My Ngoc.
The workshop was part of the 3-year MMU IQA project supported by AUN-QA Network and Education Quality International which is a community project to uplift the quality assurance of higher education in CLM countries.
8th Workshop on "Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment
The 8th online workshop on "Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment" based on AUN-QA Programme Framework Version 4 was held from 18 - 29 April 2022. The workshop was attended by participants from universities in the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The online workshop adopted both synchronous and asynchronous modes of delivery and hands-on assignment in writing SAR. At the end of the workshop, the participants received a consolidated SAR and feedback arises from their assignments. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA Expert and Founder & Principal Consultant of Education Quality International in collaboration with the AUN-QA Network.
Friday, 1 April 2022
Quality Assurance Ecosystem of Curriculum Redesign Workshop at University of Santo Tomas
The 3-day workshop on "Quality Assurance Ecosystem of Curriculum Redesign" was hosted by the College of Nursing, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, the Philippines on 29 – 31 March 2022 (online). The workshop was designed and facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA expert and founder & principal consultant of Education Quality International. The workshop was attended by more than 40 faculty members of the curriculum committee and pedagogical leads.
A special session on constructive alignment validation was held for CITED pedagogical leads of the university to equip them with the competencies to validate the constructive alignment of a study programme.
7th Happier Career Happier Life Workshop
The 7th "Happier Career Happier Life" workshop was held on 25 March 2022 at Furama City Centre Hotel, Singapore. The outline of the workshop is as follows:
- Overview of the happiness DNA
- The science of happiness in career
- Personality profiling tools to find suitable career choices including numerology, NERIS Type Explorer® and bazi (birthdate)
- Job crafting to redesign work to suit one’s values, strengths and passions
- Understand the kinds of work stress and how to manage them
- Appreciate the future of work and how to stay relevant
The workshop was organised in collaboration with ASK Training Pte Ltd and Living Better and facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder and Chief Happiness Coach. Various techniques to manage stress were shared and practised such as muscle relaxation, meditation, laughter yoga, stretching exercise and art therapy.
AUN-QA Programme Framework (V4) and Educational Philosophy Development at Mae Fah Luang University
The AUN-QA Programme Framework (V4) and Educational Philosophy Development Workshop for Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand was held on 21 - 22 March 2022 (online). The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA expert and founder & principal consultant of Education Quality International. More than 100 faculty members and management staff attended the 1.5-day workshop.
Saturday, 19 March 2022
7th Workshop on Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment
The 7th online workshop on "Writing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for Successful AUN-QA Programme Assessment" based on AUN-QA Programme Framework Version 4 was held from 21 - 22 February and 4 March 2022. The workshop was attended by participants from universities in the Sarawak, Thailand and Vietnam. The online workshop adopted both synchronous and asynchronous modes of delivery and hands-on assignment in writing SAR. At the end of the workshop, the participants received a consolidated SAR arises from their assignments. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA Expert and Founder & Principal Consultant of Education Quality International.
Happier Employees Work Better
The 2nd "Happier Employees Work Better" workshop was held on 24 and 25 February 2022 at Voco Orchard Hotel, Singapore. The workshop is a collaboration between ASK Training Pte Ltd and Living Better. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Chief Happiness Coach of Living Better.
The outline of the workshop covers the following topics:
- The Happiness DNA
- Importance of workplace happiness
- The workplace happiness DNA
- Happy purpose – building a sense of purpose
- Happy people - nurturing the Happiness DNA
- Happy practices - keeping employees happy
- Happy culture – sustaining a happy workforce
Mindfulness Meditation |
Tuesday, 25 January 2022
1st AUN-QA Tier 1 Training Workshop (Version 4)
The 1st AUN-QA Tier 1 training workshop for the newly launched AUN-QA Programme Framework (Version 4) was held online from 10 to 24 January 2022 by the AUN-QA Network. The online workshop was designed based on the principles of blended learning, flipped classroom, collaborative learning and backward design.
The workshop comprised both asynchronous and synchronous sessions in which participants are required to watch the videos of the AUN-QA programme framework and its criteria to submit their clarifications prior to each synchronous session. They are also required to complete a group project relating to one of the 8 AUN-QA criteria at the 3rd synchronous session.
The 1st AUN-QA Tier 1 training workshop was attended by 31 participants from universities and institutions in the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The workshop was led by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA expert with Dr. Tan Kay Chuan (Singapore), Dr. Shahrir Abdullah (Malaysia) and Dr. Arnulfo Azcarraga (The Philippines).
Group 1 |
Thursday, 20 January 2022
The Ecosystem of Higher Education in the Disruptive World
Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder and Principal Consultant of Educational Quality International was invited to speak on the topic "The Ecosystem of Higher Education in the Disruptive World" at the Pearls of Medical Education on 12 January 2022. The event was hosted online by Siriraj Health Science Education Excellence Center (SHEE), Mahidol University, Thailand and attended by more than 60 participants.
6th Happier Career Happier Life Workshop
The 6th "Happier Career Happier Life" workshop was held on 7 January at Hilton Hotel, Singapore. The outline of the workshop is as follows:
- Overview of the happiness DNA
- The science of happiness in career
- Personality profiling tools to find suitable career choices including numerology, NERIS Type Explorer® and bazi (birthdate)
- Job crafting to redesign work to suit one’s values, strengths and passions
- Understand the kinds of work stress and how to manage them
- Appreciate the future of work and how to stay relevant
The workshop was organised in collaboration with ASK Training Pte Ltd and Living Better and facilitated by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, Founder and Chief Happiness Coach. Various techniques to manage stress were shared and practised such as muscle relaxation, meditation, laughter yoga, stretching exercise and art therapy.